When you decide to enter into business with NGT, you can rest assured that our service does not stop after signing a purchase agreement. And that is much more than a trivial statement to us. Long after the completion of your project NGT will be there for you as your partner in bowling entertainment!
We do this, because we are convinced that a close cooperation between manufacturer and user creates the maneuverability that is ultimately necessary for lasting success.
We put honesty and transparency in business first, feel committed to and responsible for our customers. We are accessible, think along about desired solutions and necessary innovations and can switch quickly when market conditions require it.
Apart from all of this, we deliver a durable, sustainable and above all reliable product.

The history of NGT-Bowling starts in 1983 when on one hand Werner Kilian founded the German company Systemtechnik Kilian in his garage in Düren and on the other hand Wim Dekkers and Rein Kuyer decided together to start D&K Electronics in The Netherlands. While Kilian focused on the maintenance and repairs of pinsetters and related bowling equipment from day one, D&K initially and among other things worked on the development of electronic billiard timers, electronic dartboards and scoreboard technology.
D&K first came into contact with the sport of bowling in 1987 when it began developing and producing an automatic scoring system and subsequently would grow to become the market leader in the Benelux and parts of Germany. In the same period, Systemtechnik Kilian began producing its own system controllers and components for bowling equipment, many of which would be purchased by various manufacturers in the bowling industry. The product line was continuously expanded and from 1995 onwards Systemtechnik Kilian would focus on the complete furnishing of bowling entertainment centers.
By mid-2012, Werner’s son Mario Kilian and Wim Dekkers both concluded that it was time for real innovation in pinsetter technology. Bowling centers continued to be equipped with pinsetters, which were based on the state of the art and knowledge of the 1980’s and required daily maintenance by trained personnel. Durable, robust, easy-to-operate and low-maintenance were the new keywords.
But also in the field of interior design it was time to break new ground with contemporary design and the addition of spectacular light and sound elements.
Dekkers and Kilian decided to bundle their potential: the former took on the development of an entirely new and innovative pinsetter. Kilian focused on the associated system components, interior construction, entertainment systems and the marketing of the new product.
A new company structure was needed and with that NGT Bowling was born.
In 2015 NGT Bowling finally presented its innovative and spectacular product line. To date, we have retained the original collaboration structure that underpins the current success. The pinsetters and now other products from the airO portfolio are assembled in the Netherlands, the accompanying system components, interior design and entertainment components are added in Germany. The worldwide sales and distribution of the products is also managed from our facility in Jülich.
NGT Bowling has now grown into a company with 21 employees: all bowling and entertainment professionals with their own expertise, enabling NGT to work completely autonomously and without the intervention of subcontractors. And that makes us truly unique in the bowling industry!